Victoria McLelland

Cotlew St. Osteopathy

A child centered family clinic.


Cotlew St. Osteopathy has been created as a child centered family clinic. There is a second reception area for new mothers to be able to take their time to feed and change their babies pre or post treatment.

This area is filled with an array of toys and books for children and siblings to quietly play. The clinic is light filled and warm. There is parking directly in front and it is pram friendly. The location of the clinic is within the Gold Coast Office Park, a little medical hub. All Osteopathic appointments with Victoria are 40 minutes, which includes a detailed examination and Osteopathic treatment.

At Cotlew St. Osteopathy you can access Osteopathic sessions with a referral from your GP under the Chronic Diseases Management plan (or EPC) for a partial Medicare rebate. You can also book in as a private patient (with no referral) and be eligible for private health rebates.



Victoria has been a registered Osteopath in practice on the Gold Coast for 18 years.

She has treated thousands of children and their families in a clinical setting from as early as one day old, through to toddlers, adolescences, and pregnant women. Victoria has a particular interest in treating newborns, children and pregnancy.

She regularly maintains a working knowledge of developmental milestones, age specific health checks and attends seminars on the latest research.

Victoria has a referral network in place and works alongside midwives, lactation consultants, dentists, naturopaths, doctors and other health care providers.

Newborns, Infants
& Children

Newborns will generally suckle, yawn and cry in the first few days to help naturally push out any strains from…

Teens, Sports Injuries
& Concussion

Teenage bodies generally undergo periods of rapid growth and hormonal change. It is a time when scoliosis…

& Post Partum

A woman’s body is going to undergo the most extraordinary and possibly the largest transformation…